The compliance program is an expression of our corporate culture and is one of the key measures for prevention of crime and its risks.
URC Systems, spol. s r.o. has established an own program with purpose to:
- minimize corruption risks in the business operations of the company,
- preventively act against corruption risks within the company during provision of products and services for the company,
- be an exemplary organization for the rest, both in terms of prevention of corruption and conveyance of unethical conduct.
The URC Systems Compliance Program consists of:
- an own code of ethics for the company employees,
- ethical lines at which anybody can report corruption or unethical conduct in connection with the organisation of URC Systems,
- a set of processes and measures to evaluate corruption risks, e.g. using the Compliance Manager and Compliance Committee.
Anti-bribery compliance:
“What Does it Mean to be TRACE Certified?” It means that an individual or company has completed a comprehensive due diligence process administered by TRACE, the world’s leading anti-bribery standard setting organization. Certification by TRACE signifies that an entity has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process. The successful completion of TRACEcertification demonstrates a commitment to commercial transparency, allowing the certified entity to serve as a valued business partner to multinational companies.